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Writer's picturePastor Mario

Praying Hands

My parents have been in ministry for a number of years, so you could say that most of my life has evolved around steeples, pews and choir stands. I am unapologetic a church kid. Because of that cultivated environment, it afforded me the opportunity to encounter the presence of many wonderful people. One memory forever etched in my mind is from my early teenage years.

Our family was visiting one of the neighborhood homes and as usual, anytime I saw a piano, it wasn’t long before my hands touched the ebony and ivory keys. As I played the piano, one of the homeowners came at sat by me. I continued to play without giving much attention to the lady sitting on the stool. One of my parents was nearby, and the lady asked if it was okay that she prayed for me as I played. Prayer was always acceptable in my household. She turned to me and asked the same. I appreciated the fact that she asked my parents first. After I consented, she told me to continue playing but laid her hands on top of my hands as I played. I may have continued to play a few more songs, but her hands never left. At some point she walked away without any discussion of what she actually prayed for or about.

To this day, I can’t say that I remember her name, but the brief encounter has impacted me many years later. I’ve often wondered, did she see something in me? Did she have a glimpse of my future? Did she see the lives of those that I would encounter now, back then? Though I do not have the answers to those questions, I do know the power of prayer. Many of us have been prayed for without even knowing it. Grandparents, counselors and more have prayed for us without our awareness. It could be a mentor, coach, teacher or a spouse taking the time to cover us through a touch of encouragement or protection.

Perhaps we’ve all overlooked some praying hands in our life. Let’s not just reflect on who has prayed for us, but commit to covering the hands of those we impact daily. They may not be sitting on a piano stool as I was, but they are watching and waiting for someone like you to take a moment and just cover them. They may never remember your name, but your impact will be etched in their minds forever.

2 Timothy 1:6-7 (ESV)

6 For this reason I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God,

which is in you through the laying on of my hands,

7 for God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.


Lord, as I reflect on those who have prayed for me, I dedicate myself to praying for others. May I see what you see, and cover others as you have covered me. In Jesus Name, Amen.

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Calvonia Radford
Calvonia Radford
Feb 21, 2019

I remember this event well. Only God knows what she was prayng and how he has answered. Our assignment is to pray, he will do the rest.


Feb 19, 2019


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